Although numerical growth is not necessarily a sign of God's blessing, and is not a sufficient goal in itself, we believe that God desires for us to reach as many people as possible with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, we will pursue methods and policies which will facilitate numerical growth, without compromising in any way our commitment to Biblical truth. 

We believe that the primary responsibility of the pastor(s) and teachers in the local church is to "prepare God's people for works of service" (Eph 4:12). Therefore, the ministry of Shaw Heights Baptist Church will be placed as much as possible in the hands of non-vocational workers. 

This will be accomplished through training opportunities and through practices which encourage lay initiation, leadership, responsibility, and authority in the various ministries of the church. 


We believe that God desires his people to pray, and that he hears   and answers prayer (Matt 7:7-11; James 5:13-18). 

 Therefore, the ministries and activities of this church will be   characterized by a reliance on prayer in their conception,   planning, and execution. 

​​What We Believe

An Appreciation for Creativity and Innovation

We believe the Bible is God's inspired Word, the authoritative and trustworthy rule of faith and practice for Christians.

The Bible is both timeless and timely, relevant to the common needs of all people at all times and to the specific problems of contemporary living.

Therefore, we are committed to equipping Christians, through the preaching and teaching of God's Word, to follow Christ in every sphere of life. 

A Commitment to Lay Ministry

A Commitment to Excellence

A Commitment to Prayer

In today's rapidly changing world, forms and methods must be continually evaluated, and if necessary, altered to fit new conditions.  While proven techniques should not be discarded at whim, we encourage creativity and innovation, flexibility and adaptability. 

We are more concerned with effectiveness in ministry then with adherence to tradition. 

A Commitment to Relevant Bible Exposition

​ A Commitment to Growth

We believe that the God of our salvation deserves the best we have to offer.  The Lord himself is a God of excellence, as shown by the beauty of creation; further, He gave the best He had, His only son, for us (Rom 8:32).  Paul exhorts servants, in whatever they do, to "work at with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" (Col. 3:23). 

Therefore, in the ministries and activities of Shaw Heights Baptist Church we will seek to maintain a high standard of excellence to the glory of God.  This will be achieved when every person is exercising his or her God-given spiritual gift to the best of his or her ability (I Cor 12). 

Call Shaw Heights Baptist Church today at

(803) 499-4997